Whistler Village in the Summer

Whistler’s peak season is an exhilarating time filled with endless possibilities for local businesses. However, with so much excitement, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. In this guide, we’ll explore the key obstacles that local businesses face during this buzzing period. Whether it’s capturing attention, promoting unforgettable events, driving foot traffic, or engaging vacationing families, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and discover practical solutions to make your business shine in Whistler’s peak season.


  • Craft a unique value proposition and share your authentic story
  • Invest in vibrant signage and captivating window displays
  • Promote events through social media and collaborate with local influencers
  • Drive foot traffic by forming strategic partnerships
  • Create family-friendly experiences and utilize technology for engagement

Standing Out Amidst The Summer Buzz

When you find yourself amidst the bustling atmosphere of Whistler’s peak season, it’s no secret that standing out from the competition can be a real challenge. You want your business to be noticed and remembered by customers who truly appreciate what you have to offer.

Craft a Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

One effective way to differentiate your business is by crafting a unique value proposition. Take the time to identify what sets your business apart from others in the area. What unique experiences, products, or services do you provide that no one else can? Clearly communicate this value to your target audience, emphasizing the benefits they will gain by choosing your business.

Take Uber for example – Uber’s solid UVP is its convenient, reliable, and on-demand transportation service that connects riders with drivers through a user-friendly mobile app, revolutionizing the way people travel and making transportation more accessible and efficient globally.

Embrace Authentic Storytelling

Another powerful tool is authentic storytelling. Share the story behind your business – its values, its journey, and the passion that drives you. You could do this by:

  • Hosting in-person events or workshops where you can personally share your business’s story,
  • Displaying storytelling signage or posters within your physical location,
  • Incorporating your business’s narrative into printed marketing materials such as brochures or flyers, or even,
  • Organizing community outreach programs where you can speak directly to local residents about your business and its story.

Creating compelling narratives that resonate with your audience helps them forge a deeper connection with your brand. By showcasing the heart and soul of your business, you’ll stand out from those who only focus on the surface level.

Develop a Memorable Brand Identity

Investing in a memorable brand identity is also crucial. You want to create a visually appealing brand that reflects the essence of your business. From your logo to your color scheme and overall design aesthetic, make sure it captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. When customers see your branding, they should immediately associate it with the unique experiences and exceptional offerings your business provides.

Promoting Summer Events 101

Promoting your summer events and festivals effectively can be quite a headache. You want to make sure your events stand out and capture the attention of your target audience, leaving them with unforgettable experiences. After all, who doesn’t want their event to be the talk of the town?

Harness the Power of Social Media

Harnessing the power of social media can work wonders for promoting your events. Take advantage of popular platforms to generate a buzz and get people talking about what you have in store. Interact with your audience by giving them sneak peeks behind the scenes, offering exclusive promotions, and building anticipation as the event approaches. Social media opens up a direct and interactive channel to connect with your audience, creating a sense of excitement and encouraging them to mark their calendars and join in on the fun.

Team up with Local Influencers

Teaming up with local influencers is a game-changing strategy to amplify your event promotions. Take the time to identify influencers in the Whistler area who resonate with your target audience, and join forces with them to spread the word about your upcoming events. The endorsements and recommendations from these influencers hold immense value and can work wonders in expanding the reach and visibility of your events. By harnessing their influence and tapping into their dedicated following, you’ll draw in a larger crowd and ignite greater interest in your exciting summer events and festivals.

Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)

To truly make your events stand out and encourage attendees to engage and share their experiences on social media, incorporate interactive elements and create photo-worthy moments throughout the event. Provide designated selfie stations, encourage the use of event hashtags, and host social media contests or challenges that incentivize attendees to capture and share their favorite moments online. By fostering a social media-friendly environment, you’ll enhance attendee engagement and expand the reach of your event online.

Driving Foot Traffic To Your Business

Attracting foot traffic and making your business a go-to destination during Whistler’s peak season can seem like a daunting challenge. With countless options available to visitors, it’s vital to find effective ways to stand out from the crowd.

Invest in Vibrant Signage & Imaginative Window Displays

Capture attention and make a lasting impression by investing in vibrant signage that reflects the unique appeal of your business, instantly grabbing the eye amidst the bustling peak season atmosphere. Craft imaginative window displays that ignite curiosity and inspire passersby, transforming your storefront into an alluring showcase of your remarkable offerings. This visual storytelling approach will attract more foot traffic, convert casual observers into enthusiastic customers, and leave a lasting impression.

Leverage Strategic Local Partnerships

To enhance the impact of your captivating window displays and vibrant signage, leverage strategic partnerships with local businesses. Collaborate with establishments that share your target audience, cross-promote each other, and recommend customers. By expanding your reach and fostering a sense of community, these collaborative partnerships will further increase foot traffic to your business and make a more significant impact during Whistler’s peak season.

Engaging Vacationing Families On Their Summer Vacation

When it comes to creating unforgettable experiences for vacationing families in Whistler, you want to make sure they have a blast and keep coming back for more.

Develop Family-Friendly Activities

A fantastic approach is to develop family-friendly activities that cater specifically to their needs and interests. Think about what would make their vacation extra special and design programs, services, or experiences that are tailored for families. From guided nature walks to interactive workshops or even customized adventure packages, offering activities that the whole family can enjoy will catch their attention and create memories that will stay with them.

Prioritize Convenience and Comfort

Another great strategy is to prioritize convenience and comfort for families. Make sure your facilities have family-friendly amenities such as convenient changing rooms, stroller-friendly pathways, and dedicated areas for nursing or feeding. Consider going the extra mile by offering services like childcare options or exclusive family-oriented discounts. By taking care of their unique needs and making their experience hassle-free, you’ll leave a positive impression and forge lasting connections with vacationing families.

Use Digital Platforms and Technology to Engage with Families

Moreover, don’t underestimate the power of digital platforms and technology in engaging with families. Utilize popular social media channels to share family-friendly content, helpful tips, and exciting recommendations. Encourage families to share their experiences and use relevant hashtags to foster a sense of community. Consider creating a dedicated website or mobile app specifically designed for families, where they can find information on kid-friendly attractions, upcoming events, and services in Whistler. By harnessing the potential of technology, you can enhance their vacation experience and establish a lasting bond with vacationing families.

In Summary

There you have it, a comprehensive guide to help your local business stand out during Whistler’s peak season. By investing in vibrant signage, captivating window displays, and strategic partnerships with local businesses, you can attract attention, drive foot traffic, and create a lasting impression. Don’t forget to leverage the power of social media, engage vacationing families with tailored experiences, and embrace technology to enhance engagement and foster connections. With these strategies in your toolkit, you’ll shine brightly amidst the bustling atmosphere of Whistler’s peak season. Happy thriving!