Entries by cloud9wp

Latest Updates to Facebook

Facebook has been under a lot of scrutiny lately. While most of their time has been dedicated to dealing with issues in regards to privacy, transparency and security, its developers have managed to put out a few new updates. Although the platform is constantly changing and adapting, we highlight a few of the latest updates […]

Creating the Best Domain Name in 2019

Guest Blog Post Written by The Hosting Tribunal Currently,  there are countless websites with more to come tomorrow, the day after that, and so on. If you want to create a successful website, you’ll need to pull out all the stops to catch the attention of online visitors. This includes having a great domain name […]

Top 5 Website Metrics to Track

Web analytics are an integral part of a successful website. Detailed website metrics tell you about your website visitors’ behaviour and are the key to accelerating continual positive online growth. With the installation of a piece of code onto your website, called a pixel, platforms such as Google Analytics can collect anonymous data about your […]

Is Mobile Really Overtaking Desktop?

We all know that the last few years have seen a dramatic rise in mobile searches. But how prominent actually is it? Studies have shown that even though most searches are done on mobile devices, 80% of conversions still happen on desktops. Here is how you can tailor your strategy for today’s modern consumer. Think […]


How To Use Trending Topics To Boost Traffic

You don’t need to be an SEO wizard to know that engaging, SEO-friendly content is the key to generating organic traffic. Here are some ways to help you stay on top of trends and produce relevant, engaging content. Trends If you’re already seeing lots of articles on a topic, it’s a sign you’re already too […]

Top 5 Ways to Market A New Product

When you have a new product, you want to make your audience interested. After the most successful product marketing campaign in history, stock prices for Apple Mac skyrocketed, with a 78.7% increase. Here is how you can successfully market a new product and how we can help you. Tell a True Story About your Product […]

Simple SEO Tactics To Improve Your Site

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, we all know it can be very time-consuming. But it doesn’t all have to be hard work. Here are some simple SEO wins to help you get ahead of the game. Remove outdated and low-quality content  You may be reluctant to remove low-quality or out of date content […]

How To Create An Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Devising a proper and effective social media marketing strategy can make a massive difference to return on investment from your social media efforts. Every post should be well thought out and aligned with your brand and goals. Here is how you can devise a proper strategy and how we can help you stay at the […]

Spring Cleaning for Digital Marketing

Spring is in the air! You may be aware the longer days and beautiful sunshine in Whistler mean it’s time to dust off the ceiling cobwebs and clean all the places you’ve been neglecting all year. But spring cleaning isn’t just important for your house. Here are the top ways you can spruce up your […]

Why Is Video Marketing So Important?

Video marketing is a growing trend. By the end of this year, video traffic is predicted to account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic. Here are the reasons why you should make video content part of your marketing strategy and how you can achieve results. Increase conversions Studies have shown that having a video […]