shape up with geometric designs

Shape Up with Geometric Designs

Geometric designs have been at the forefront of design trends this year and have the staying power to be around for years to come. The clean appearance of geometric shapes, coupled with the subconscious psychology of shapes, creates impactful…
Duotone colour palette for branding

Simple Palette, Strong Presence: Duotone

Duotone and Colour Monochromatic designs have become more and more popular in recent years, and we’re loving the resurgence of this throwback. This style of branding is creative, eye-catching, and customers love it. But does it fit your brand?…

A Modern Twist on Bohemian Design

Contemporary Boho is a design trend that’s become popular over the years and made its way into the top design trends of 2021, but where did it come from and how is it defined? Those are some of the questions we will address today in our aim…
"Design for Change" by Virginia-Rae Choquette

Socially Conscious Design

Socially Conscious Design has been one of the most powerful design trends in recent years. This design trend focuses on showing solidarity and support for social, environmental, and justice issues through graphic design. Essentially, it is artists…