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Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Small Business

So you’ve launched your website and opened your doors, but what’s next? To fully target your ideal demographic and start bringing in consistent sales, you’ll need to start marketing your business on social media. But even something as…

Why Crowdsourcing is Great for Small Businesses

Ah, the wisdom of the crowd. While turning to a crowd for inspiration or feedback is nothing new, the Internet has given crowdsourcing the opportunity it needed to shine. Social media is now a multiplayer experience that relies on collective,…
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What Is A Customer Journey Map In Digital Marketing?

In order to gain and retain loyal customers, you have to create a seamless online experience that leaves users with a lasting positive impression of your brand. Every single touchpoint with your company plays a role in converting your customer,…
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Identifying Your Online Target Audience

Can you identify your exact online target audience? If no immediate image or prototype pops into your head, you may need to re-evaluate your marketing strategy. You could have the most visually appealing website to ever exist, but it will…